Our stars of the show

Our Studs


Stormy is a black and cream male with a very soft, mellow easy going temperament. He is just as sweet as he is handsome.


Zane is a beautiful black dapple extreme pie. My kids call him Zeener the wiener! He is so fun, friendly, and outgoing. His first litters are planned to arrive in 2024 and we are excited to see what comes!


This sweet guy is a baby still and his future litters will be expected in 2025. He is a beautiful black dapple that carries EE, pie and dilute. He is very quiet, mellow and more reserved.


This stunning cream boy has so much spunk! He is bold and curious about everything. He is producing babies that are beyond what we could hope for! He is a true mini at 11lb.


Misha is the most stunning dachshund I have ever seen. He truly has something special and is passing it to his puppies. He is mellow and reserved. He is very vocal. He is on the larger side, he is 13lb.


Antaloy was imported from Russia. He is a longhair chocolate and tan dapple dachshund.