Our Moms
Our Moms
Shiner is a beautiful black and cream dapple dachshund. She is as sweet as she is beautiful! She wouldn’t hurt a fly and wants to be a couch princess. She is what dreams are made of!
Mae is a black and cream girl that enjoys following the kids in all their endeavors. She stays out of trouble and love all animals/people. She is a little larger at 12lb.
Sophia is a beautiful blue dapple dachshund with a true dachshund prey drive! This girl settles right down but also wants to hunt! She is very sweet and extremely smart. She is a true mini, 10lb.
Jasmine is a beautiful EE cream with a very mellow, docile temperament true to a cream! She is stunning, bold and outgoing. She is an all star here!
Sweet Molly is a beautiful with a very soft, true cream temperament ! She is a true mini at 9lb.
This sweet shaded cream girl was held back last year and will potentially be expecting her first litter in 2025 depending on future evaluations. She is marking out to be a true mini!
Cora is a beautiful blue and cream miniature dachshund. We will hopefully expect puppies from her in 2025.
Gracie is a sweet black dapple. She is a true mini (9lb) with a mischievous side. She is very friendly and thinks she’s a princess that does no wrong! She’s great with kids and all animals.